Chris Dragon and Shuan Hern Lee - Limelight Gen Next Feature
Chris Dragon and Shuan Hern Lee featured in Limelight‘s Gen Next article
Chris Dragon
Shuan Hern Lee
LImelight Magazine’s
Gen Next
It has been a big year for both Chris Dragon and Shuan Hern Lee!
Chris continues to go from strength to strength –
recently being promoted to Resident Conductor at the Colorado Symphony, and
winning the position of Music Director of the Wyoming Symphony Orchestra.
Shuan Hern continues to amaze - some highlights of 2019 :
performed Rhapsody in Blue with the WASO
took out 1st prize in Gagny in France,
Grand Prix (performers under 28)
First Prize
Gagny International Piano Competition
France (Paris) – April 2019
and won the prestigious Cliburn Jr.
Bernice Gressman Meyerson -
2019 Cliburn International Junior
Piano Competition & Festival.
New Classical Superstars
Gen Next
30 Brilliant Young Musicians
The October Limelight magazine ran an article on what they called -
“Gen Next” - 30 brilliant young musicians making their mark.
The 30 brilliant young musicians were further broken down into :
11 Instrumentalists
4 Conductors
10 Singers &
5 Composers
This means that -
Chris Dragon as one of only 4 young Conductors &
Shuan Hern Lee one of only 11 young Instrumentalists
to be nominated by Limelight as their “New Classical Superstars”.
The MetSO is very pleased to add our congratulations :