MISO 2020 - MetSO Intermediate String Orchestra
MISO 2020
A MetSO initiative
advancing string students
By Lynette Swarbrick
I have been mulling over the practicalities of starting up a community string ensemble in the northern suburbs for some time. Since re-opening my Kingsley string studio, the need for a local, intermediate level string orchestra for both teens and adults has become obvious!
Many advancing teenage and adult string students end up losing motivation when they miss out on the social engagement and performance side of music practice. Local high schoolers and home schoolers often lack access to in-school string ensembles. Age restrictions and competitive entry processes into programs like WAYS and WAYO, along with local orchestras like MetSO setting advanced entry standards, all result in many keen students foregoing the pleasure of community music-making.
MISO Music Director - Lynette Swarbrick & MISO Mentor - Rowan Swarbrick (String & Theory)
The MetSO Intermediate String Orchestra hopes to fill the gap and offer new opportunities for advancing string players regardless of age. No auditions will be required. A suggested playing standard of AMEB 2 to 5 is set as a guide. Keen participants may work towards raising their skill levels to AMEB 6, so that they can ‘move on’ and join MetSO or another similar full-size orchestra.
Rehearsals will cover etiquette, string skill building and a range of repertoire. Seating will be rotated regularly to share the opportunity to sit up front and lead.
For those seeking theory lessons to round off their music education we also have our very own tertiary trained theory tutor!